1,866 research outputs found

    Assessment of Generic Skills through an Organizational Learning Process Model

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    This contribution has been published in this repository with the permission of the publisher. This contribution was presented in WEBIST 2018 (http://www.webist.org/?y=2018) and has been published by SCITEPRESS in http://www.scitepress.org/PublicationsDetail.aspx?ID=y9Yt0eHt02o=&.The performance in generic skills is increasingly important for organizations to succeed in the current competitive environment. However, assessing the level of performance in generic skills of the members of an organization is a challenging task, subject to both subjectivity and scalability issues. Organizations usually lay their organizational learning processes on a Knowledge Management System (KMS). This work presents a process model to support managers of KMSs in the assessment of their individuals’ generic skills. The process model was deployed through an extended version of a learning management system. It was connected with different information system tools specifically developed to enrich its features. A case study with Computer Science final-year students working in a software system was conducted following an authentic learning approach, showing promising results.Visaigle Project (grant TIN2017-85797-R)

    Mejoras de la integración como bloque de moodle del servicio web Evalcomix

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    La amplia disponibilidad de servicios web no ha hecho sino aumentar la demanda de versiones adaptadas para entornos virtuales de aprendizaje (VLE, Virtual Learning Environment) que integren y exploten dichos en entornos didácticos. EvalCOMIX, es un sistema de servicios web especialmente dedicado a la evaluación a través de Internet. A la vista de las dificultades derivadas de su integración en Moodle 1.9, y de la amplia reestructuación interna que sufrió Moodle 2.0 a nivel de código, para la versión 2.1 se decidió que EvalCOMIX fuera un nuevo bloque del sistema

    Instalaciones en un archivo histórico comarcal

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    Para resolver las necesidades de capacidad y unificación de los depósitos documentales de Archivo Histórico Comarcal del Baix Llobregat, se ha acondicionado un local de gran extensión, situado en la planta de un edificio perteneciente a una antigua fábrica, donde antiguamente se realizaban trabajos administrativos. En el siguiente proyecto se han realizado las instalaciones de: electrificación, iluminación, climatización, protección frente al rayo y la prevención y extinción frente al fuego, teniendo en cuenta aspectos medioambientales como el ahorro energético y también los económicos. El objetivo del proyecto es dotar al edificio de todas estas instalaciones teniendo en cuenta todos los reglamentos de obligado cumplimiento como son: - Reglamento Electrotécnico de Baja Tensión (REBT). - Reglamento de Instalaciones Térmicas en los Edificios (RITE). - Código Técnico d la Edificación (CTE). - PECCat Pla d’Equipaments Culturals de Catalunya 2009-2019. Para el diseño de las instalaciones se han tenido únicamente en cuenta a nivel medioambiental el ahorro energético que podríamos tener en consumo eléctrico, para ello se han revisado con especial atención los receptores finales existentes en el mercado y se ha optado por que fueran los más eficientes sin tener en cuenta el desembolso inicial. - En el apartado de iluminación se ha escogido alumbrado de fluorescencia como marca el PECCat pero todo con reactancias electrónicas y tubos fluorescentes ECO que son el nuevo modelo de PHILIPS, dando mayor cantidad de Lux con menos potencia. - A nivel de climatización se han escogida máquinas con líquido refrigerante variable; esto nos permite poder enfriar una estancia mientras podemos calentar otra; siendo de las más eficientes del mercado, además de ser inverter pueden llegar a tener unos tramos de hasta 1000 m. de tuberías consiguiendo un ahorro energético de hasta un 70 % frente a otras máquinas. Todo ello con un control centralizado para una mejor supervisión. También se ha realizado un estudio de protección frente al rayo ya que es una de las principales causas de disparo accidental de los sistemas de extinción de incendios y dada la importancia de la documentación a conservar se ha determinado de gran importancia

    Supporting Skill Assessment in Learning Experiences Based on Serious Games Through Process Mining Techniques

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    Learning experiences based on serious games are employed in multiple contexts. Players carry out multiple interactions during the gameplay to solve the different challenges faced. Those interactions can be registered in logs as large data sets providing the assessment process with objective information about the skills employed. Most assessment methods in learning experiences based on serious games rely on manual approaches, which do not scalewell when the amount of data increases. We propose an automated method to analyse students’ interactions and assess their skills in learning experiences based on serious games. The method takes into account not only the final model obtained by the student, but also the process followed to obtain it, extracted from game logs. The assessment method groups students according to their in-game errors and ingame outcomes. Then, the models for the most and the least successful students are discovered using process mining techniques. Similarities in their behaviour are analysed through conformance checking techniques to compare all the students with the most successful ones. Finally, the similarities found are quantified to build a classification of the students’ assessments. We have employed this method with Computer Science students playing a serious game to solve design problems in a course on databases. The findings show that process mining techniques can palliate the limitations of skill assessment methods in game-based learning experiences

    Learning Analytics to Detect Evidence of Fraudulent Behaviour in Online Examinations

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    Lecturers are often reluctant to set examinations online because of the potential problems of fraudulent behaviour from their students. This concern has increased during the coronavirus pandemic because courses that were previously designed to be taken face-to-face have to be conducted online. The courses have had to be redesigned, including seminars, laboratory sessions and evaluation activities. This has brought lecturers and students into conflict because, according to the students, the activities and examinations that have been redesigned to avoid cheating are also harder. The lecturers’ concern is that students can collaborate in taking examinations that must be taken individually without the lecturers being able to do anything to prevent it, i.e. fraudulent collaboration. This research proposes a process model to obtain evidence of students who attempt to fraudulently collaborate, based on the information in the learning environment logs. It is automated in a software tool that checks how the students took the examinations and the grades that they obtained. It is applied in a case study with more than 100 undergraduate students. The results are positive and its use allowed lecturers to detect evidence of fraudulent collaboration by several clusters of students from their submission timestamps and the grades obtained

    Model-Driven Skills Assessment in Knowledge Management Systems

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    Organizations need employees who perform satisfactorily in generic skills, such as teamwork, leadership, problem solving or interpersonal abilities, among others. In organizational environments, employees perform work that is not always visible for supervisors and, thus, they can hardly assess their performance in generic skills. By using a knowledge management system, the users are able to leave a trace of their activity in the system’s records. This research aims to address a computer supported assessment of the user’s generic skills from the perspective of Model-Driven engineering. First, a systematic mapping study is carried out to understand the state of the art. Second, a proposal based on Model-Driven engineering is presented and is then validated through an organizational learning process model. Our results are promising and we are able to conduct a scalable assessment based on objective indicators of the employee’s planning, time management and problem solving skills

    Learning Analytics to Detect Evidence of Fraudulent Behaviour in Online Examinations

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    Lecturers are often reluctant to set examinations online because of the potential problems of fraudulent behaviour from their students. This concern has increased during the coronavirus pandemic because courses that were previously designed to be taken face-to-face have to be conducted online. The courses have had to be redesigned, including seminars, laboratory sessions and evaluation activities. This has brought lecturers and students into conflict because, according to the students, the activities and examinations that have been redesigned to avoid cheating are also harder. The lecturers' concern is that students can collaborate in taking examinations that must be taken individually without the lecturers being able to do anything to prevent it, i.e. fraudulent collaboration. This research proposes a process model to obtain evidence of students who attempt to fraudulently collaborate, based on the information in the learning environment logs. It is automated in a software tool that checks how the students took the examinations and the grades that they obtained. It is applied in a case study with more than 100 undergraduate students. The results are positive and its use allowed lecturers to detect evidence of fraudulent collaboration by several clusters of students from their submission timestamps and the grades obtained.This research was funded by Spanish National Research Agency (AEI), through the project VISAIGLE (TIN2017-85797-R) with ERDF funds

    Métodos de evaluación de competencias en serious games: estudio y análisis sobre su estado actual [Skill assessment methods in serious games: a state of the art study and analysis]

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    Los serious games o videojuegos educativos son videojuegos con propósitos de aprendizaje. Los jugadores deben obtener competencias y resultados de aprendizaje en una experiencia de juego. Éstos serán evaluados conforme al comportamiento desarrollado durante la partida. Sin embargo, la evaluación en serious games es un procedimiento más complejo que el de otros instrumentos e-Learning debido a una serie de factores y particularidades, como el contexto del videojuego o su género. Esta publicación hace una recopilación de los métodos de evaluación en serious games utilizados y propuestos en la literatura científica actual. Se presenta una definición para cada uno de estos métodos, así como un análisis general sobre los factores que tienen en cuenta y sus posibles similitudes. Finalmente, se presentan las conclusiones del estudio y las necesidades detectadas sobre las que se podría profundizar en el futuro. [Serious games or educational games are video games with learning purposes. Players must obtain skills and learning outcomes playing a videogame. They are usually assessed according to their behaviors during the gameplay. Unfortunately, assessment in serious games is a more complex process than other e-Learning assessment processes due to specific features, like game context or genre. This paper compiles assessment methods for serious games detected in the current scientific literature. A definition for each found method and an overall analysis about considered features and possible similarities are provided. Finally, conclusions of the study and future research lines are presented.

    Comparative Study of Moodle Plugins to Facilitate the Adoption of Computer-Based Assessments

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    Featured Application This study helps Moodle users to choose the plugin that best suits their needs to create large question banks. The use of Learning Management Systems (LMS) has had rapid growth over the last decades. Great efforts have been recently made to assess online students' performance level, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Faculty members with limited experience in the use of LMS such as Moodle, Edmodo, MOOC, Blackboard and Google Classroom face challenges creating online tests. This paper presents a descriptive and comparative study of the existing plugins used to import questions into Moodle, classifying them according to the necessary computing resources. Each of the classifications were compared and ranked, and features such as the support for gamification and the option to create parameterised questions are explored. Parameterised questions can generate a large number of different questions, which is very useful for large classes and avoids fraudulent behaviour. The paper outlines an open-source plugin developed by the authors: FastTest PlugIn, recently approved by Moodle. FastTest PlugIn is a promising alternative to mitigate the detected limitations in analysed plugins. FastTest PlugIn was validated in seminars with 230 faculty members, obtaining positive results about expectations and potential recommendations. The features of the main alternative plugins are discussed and compared, describing the potential advantages of FastTest PlugIn
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